Acushla is a term of endearment, Irish slang meaning pulse of my heart. It started with a dream I desperately wanted to describe with words:
It advanced from out of sight, moving with dangerous elegance
Eyes untouched by joy, filled with memories of lifeless things, cursed things
It scowled at me, hating me
Claiming me as its own
When I died, I entered a place without form or texture — an infinite abstract
Warm light swam between me
Gazing through my falseness and guiding me along a verdant meadow
And then, it save me
I realized I needed to write this in a language I'm more-deeply familiar with. And this collection of music is that realization.
Release Date: April 10, 2018
Solar Winds I
Solar Winds II
Portrait of a Planet
Erosion Layers
Signs of Life
Spinning Core
Drifting Continents
Seismic Waves
We Have Each Other and That's Enough